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Why super raw oil? As we have explained before, an oil with CO2 extraction or Raw is the best cbd oil! By applying this method you can be sure that you have a quality oil.
Our Super Raw is made using this method, giving you the best quality and most valuable cannanbinoids and vitamins.
Why we have chosen CBD Oil 7 percent is that for some the transition from CBD oil 5 to 10% is too big and often not necessary.
It's pretty much easy! You will receive a pipette with us and with this you drop the desired number of drops under your tongue, let it soak for half a minute before swallowing the remainder.
We are also often asked how to build? All our products come with instructions for use, which are the same for every person, but the final daily dose is different for each person and you will have to experience it yourself, but if you have any questions about this, we are of course happy to help!
Please note: with us the pipette is loose in the box and a white cap is placed on the bottle as standard, you can use this if you want to take the bottle with you somewhere.
The human body itself produces substances that are very similar to cannabis-like substances, so much so that the body recognizes cannabis as its own. These substances are called endocannabinoids.
It has since been shown that the endocannabinoid system in the brain is involved in certain processes in the body. That is why the CBD Oil 7 percent is a good addition to your body
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